To get off the plateau I mentioned in my last post there are two options, either quit and go back down the way I came, or buckle up and start climbing higher.
Yesterday I chose the latter. I got to Fuchou extra early to do a little extra practice before anyone got there. I usually sweep the gym floor anyway, but today I swept back and forth doing suri-ashi and then practicing my lunging. 'back straight, left leg primed, visualize the distance, hips forward, start with the right knee, leap!'. Again and again. I don't know if it actually helped much during keiko but extra practice can never hurt.
I got to practice some kata too, which I needed since I forgot nanahon-me. We went through some small details of moving and how one should feel while doing the motions, but again, I had some trouble with the final dou strike. Going down into that crouch is pretty difficult, but I'll keep working on it. I created some giggles from the guys when I accidentally yelped near the end. Oh well.
Practice itself was lively and full. We had a few guys visit us from another club and I got to practice with a few of them. Mostly I was able to keep my energy, but there was nothing out of the ordinary about the practice itself.
I spent the ju-keiko talking with some visitors from Doshisha who would like to practice with us too. The more the merrier!
Today, however, I am paying for trying. My legs are fighting every move I make, and it finally took a hot compress to relieve the pain in my back. Can't expect to get better without a little pain. At least my wrist isn't black today, The way it was taking a beating yesterday, I was expecting something gruesome!
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