Japan Kendo Kata

Kendo kata has been an interest of mine since I first started kendo in Canada. The fluid and rhythmic motions of uchidachi and shidachi, as well as the intricate details of timing, breathing and etiquette make kendo kata a thing of beauty.

During my study in Japan, I've had great opportunities to practice kata with competitors and champions of the art. Additionally, I have found many capable practitioners who are willing to instruct and practice kata outside of normal practice times.

I would like to use this page to pass on the instruction I have received here, and share some of my personal thoughts and evolving insights into this art form. On that note, the instruction I have been given is level based, and as such, what is reported here is not intended to be the absolute truth nor highest quality of kendo kata. It is a guide and a starting point only. I will add points to each kata form as they are explained to me, so the list may not be complete for some time.

Hopefully you can share my love of kendo kata with me.








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