Tonight's practice wasn't one of my better ones. I've been feeling uninspired and unenthusiastic about most things recently, and I'm hoping that it's just a product of the medicine I've been taking. I haven't really wanted to do anything, kendo included, but I forced myself to go. The longer I'm out, the harder it will be to get back in. It was really hard to muster a can do attitude today. Mostly all that came was a "why do I keep doing this to myself?" sort of feeling.
Everyone goes through these periods, and it's just a matter of continuing to make myself go to practice until things start to feel right again. I'm hoping once I can breathe easier again the feeling will pass and I'll be able to pick up where I left off.
On the whole, today's practice wasn't a bad one, just an uninspired one. I realized half way through that I just wasn't in the mood to fight anyone. Practice followed the usual routine; warm up, suburi, basic drills, mawari-keiko and ju-geiko. Fukao Sensei said my men was looking good. Some of them felt good, to be sure, but others felt crooked. I was leaning to the right again today and my right leg cramped up real bad again.
Since my run of medication has finished this week, I'm going to do my best to increase my daily exercise and get my body back into kendo working condition.
I'm taking every precaution at work to avoid getting sick again; vitamin C, masks and (even more) obsessive hand washing have become part of my daily routine. I really do love practicing kendo in Japan. It's been a great experience, and the level of kendo I'm challenged with has really forced me above and beyond what I thought I could be capable of in the past. Sometimes though, it seems that Japan is trying its best to keep me from practicing, with the heat in the summer and the barrage of illnesses in the winter.
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