Monday, April 13, 2015

A to Z Challenge Housekeeping

A lot of people taking part in the A to Z Challenge (mostly from blogger or blogspot blogs) have been redirected here, to Kyoto Kendo Connect. I suspect this is because clicking my Google+ avatar is easier than copy and pasting the web address I've left in comments.

For clarity, Kyoto Kendo Connect is not participating in the April A to Z Challenge. Blogger and Blogspot blogs refuse to let me post with my Wordpress ID. Something goes wrong in the multiple captchas and the post goes into a preview/publish loop from which there is no escape. To solve this problem I post via my Google+ account, which automatically links to this blog. I tried adding a link to my blogs participating in A to Z, but since most of the Blogger and Blogspot blogs I commented on don't seem to support html in comments, I started simply leaving a web address.

If you find yourself brought here by mistake, do not fear! I have two other blogs participating in A to Z and you can find them here:

Diary of an Aspiring Writer

Out of Print

Happy writing! :)